Tuesday, September 04, 2007


It's been a few months since I've felt sad when I eat, but it's happening again. Nothing tastes good, I have no appetite whatsoever, I can't keep my blood sugar anywhere near normal, I want to throw up every time I eat anything substantial and all of that just makes me feel like exploding

When I think about it, I'm not surprised I'm feeling like this, if I can pull through for the next few days I'll be OK and I'll feel much better...

This whole food thing actually caught me off guard a few days ago, I've been doing so well. I thought it was really not going to come up and annoy me again.

But like I mentioned before, this will go away soon enough and I'll be happy again, I have so much to look forward to, there is so much going for me in the now as well. I just need to not let myself be controlled by it this time.


Sister Pottymouth said...

That sucks. My whole life revolves around food, it seems. (If you saw my waistline, you'd see what I mean. Of course, I now have an excuse for my expanding waistline--at least until April.)

I hope food and you don't remain enemies for too long. Hang in there, my friend.

Samantha said...

I hope things are better. I hope you'll talk to me if they're not.

Oh, I just have to mention--the tic-tac-toe game is over. X won. I wonder why they're still playing...

Unknown said...

I've probably said this before but while i'm sorry about what you're going through I'm glad to not be alone.
That probably sounds trite but it's true.
I do hope you feel better about yourself and everything else soon, if only for a little while.

Bethylene said...

Wow, I'm so excited: I do have a reader! Thank you for letting me read your blog, too.

Yes, please send me a link for a good stat counter. I googled it, but I don't know which ones are good and which are viruses. Crap, I'm turning into an old woman who's afraid of technology.

Can I just, once again, tell you that you are one of the most spiritual (spiritual= really being in tune, not just using general-authority phrases like "those with whom we associate on a day-to-day basis") people I've ever known. Kinda intimidating, but awesome.

I love you, too.

Bethylene said...

Oh, and I'm not sure you can be a twenty-something when you don't have a something yet.


do you have crone's disease? Im just curious because your symptoms sound similar to a friend of mine who has that. Regardless, anything involving eating and food would be hard to deal with since we have to do it so much. Sorry for what you are going through! I bet it helps though listening to EFY cds.. mormon pop is seriously my fav. genre.. i was really glad to read in your profile that you like it!