Sunday, June 18, 2006

Okay, I'd really like everyone to answer this question...

When you were first coming to the conclusion of dealing with Same-sex attraction, what were the most invaluable lessons you have learned concerning the topic?

The reason why I ask is that there are so many young men and women (and older ones too) that are finally coming to terms with their attraction and desperately need to learn from our experiences.


Book Dragon said...

One of the many things I have learned is that I have the power to say no to acting on the feelings, and perhaps that route would have made my progress to where I am a little simpler. Coupled with that is the sure knowledge that there is potential for enormous change and incredible peace in that change. SSA life won't always be hard, miserable, or tumultuous.

Samantha said...

I wish I could answer this. I can't. My life is filled with contradictions--but I would trade with no one.

The most invaluable lesson?? To accept who I am, regardless of what that means.

I'm still working on that.

Chris W. said...

It wasn't until after my mission that I realized my feelings weren't going away. It was tough coming to that realization.