Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Things going on in my life...

I need to update.

the only thing I can think of is a realization I had...

When people say, "it's your choice," they OBVIOULSY disapprove of what you want to do. but understand youre a big kid.

it's a bright thing NOT to do it.


Elizabeth-W said...

AtP--The first time my dad said that to me I was 12, and some friends from out of town were visiting and they invited me to go horseback riding with them ON SUNDAY!. Dad said, "It's your know right from wrong". It burned me up so bad. I went, just for spite. Unfortunately, I don't think my personality has changed much in the last 25 years. But I have developed a bit of impulse control.

GilmoreGuy said...

Reminds me of the facilitator's words in Snicket's The End. In that case, it was more of a manipulative phrase that was judgment only weakly disguised as freedom of choice. Sometimes it's good; other times it's coniving.