Friday, November 03, 2006

Text Messaging Fiasco

I was at Zupas for lunch with Stephalumpagus and I started to get some very curious text messages. I finally figured out who it was-- a girl who has been a little forward with her interest in me in the past. the conversation is as follows

CGWWTDATP (Crazy Girl Who Wanted To Do AtP): Hey this is CGWWTDAtP--what's up?
AtP: Not too much... (and with severe peer pressure from Stephalumpagus, i continued the text with...) Oh, and I should tell you, I'm gay now
CGWWTDATP: Wow, the last billion guys I have liked all go gay...but I have those temptations too

Wow. Some poor innocent girl just confessed lesbianism to me via text. She then went all preachy on me. Little did she know who she was really talking about. After awhile it just got annoying and i told her to have a good day.

but it is kinda funny.


Sister Pottymouth said...

Hey, AtP. I found this shirt the other day and thought of you and your wicked sense of humor. I figured you might appreciate it. Your parents might not, though. (I hope I'm not totally out of line.) Then again, maybe you've seen it already.

pinetree said...

I want that shirt!!

AttemptingthePath said...

i want that shirt too! julie, you made it to the list of people i love!

Sister Pottymouth said...

(sniff) You like really like me..... (hee hee)

I'm glad you like the shirt. And I'm honored to be on your list. :-)

Stephalumpagus said...

Ok so maybe I pressured you, but you totally wanted to tell her. *Sigh* yesterday was a good day. Love you HECKA bad. :)

Anonymous said...

Aww, poor kid. All the guys she likes are gay. She needn't worry too bad - it's a condition that with proper training and assistance from those in the know - she will overcome it and look on to brighter and sunnier days in the future.

Elizabeth-W said...

Julie!! You are too much! Do you secretly own stock in that company? ;)

Attempting--how come you said 'I'm gay now' instead of just 'I'm gay'?

Unknown said...

Man... I'm totally gonna put that on my list of things to do before I die... confess my lesbianism through a text message.. and then get preachy...

Kengo Biddles said...

Because, he never looks back, elizabeth-darling, it distracts from "the now".